2. click Request a trial license on the home page after creating an account.
3. The trial key will be sent by Email and will appear in the trial licenses section under my "Account" on the website.
4. Download and install MicroBIM Fire,
a. for the account area, select downloads and click the "here" shown below:
b. Unzip the downloaded compressed file.
d. Make sure all Revit sessions are closed.
e. double click on the setup.exe to install MicroBIM Fire. Install the "AccessDatabaseEngine_X64.exe" as well.
5. Open Revit and locate the MicroBIM Fire tab, go to the settings section and choose the button "license",
6. Login with your MicroBIM website credential at the license window and place the trial key to activate the license key.
7. If a message comes up with the "Try another time or Server is busy" keep clicking on "Test MBFire for 14 days" until the message shown below shows up:
Your trial license has the Full right support as paid license, Feel free to contact us at: